National Institute of Public Administration

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This website titled is owned by the National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) headquartered at New Delhi. This Institution is a result of more than 50 years of research on development administration conducted with a view to making India as one of the most developed and advanced countries with a clean as well as a transparent administrative system. The National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) was inaugurated by the then Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Government of India, Shri K.C. Pant on 10 June 1985 with emphasis on grassroot level public administration with a view to solving different administrative and social problems at the grassroot levels.


The then HRD Minister of India Shri K.C. Pant inaugurating NIPA.


The main activities of NIPA are studies, training, research, consultancy, conference organisation and publications related activities in the fields of public administration, public service, public accountability, clean administration etc. Many publications have been brought out in the inter-disciplinary areas of good governance, political science, planning, e-governance, public administration etc.

Presently the following Certificate level courses are being conducted through online / correspondence / distance education mode :


1. Certificate in Public Administration
2. Certificate in Political Science
3. Certificate in Population Education
4. Certificate in Rural Development
5. Certificate in Urban Development
6. Certificate in Tribal Development
7. Certificate in Dalit Studies
8. Certificate in Good Governance
9. Certificate in E-Governance
10. Certificate in Rural Entrepreneurship
11. Certificate in NGO Management

Duration : Three Months

Eligibility : No Minimum Educational Qualification has been led down. All those interested in acquiring expert knowledge of Public Administration are eligible to apply.

Fee : Rs. 3500 or US$ 85 only to be paid on account of admission, registration and evaluation fee.

This amount is to be transferred to our Bank Account having the following details :

Name of the Account : National Institute of Public Administration
Bank Name : Indian Bank, Saket Branch, New Delhi, India
Account Number : 6049795666
IFS Code : IDIB000S097

Step by step method of learning at the National Institute of Public Administration:

1. Get the Admission Form downloaded and complete the same

2. Email the filled-up Admission Form

3. Pay the Admission Fee by Cheque / Draft / Electronic Transfer

4. Receive the Roll Number and Study Materials

5. Go through the e-book carefully

6. Complete the assignments and send the same to the Institute by Email / Post

7. Submit the Project Report based on your experience and knowledge acquired regarding any topic relevant to the admitted student.

8. Wait for the announcement of results.

9. Receive the Certificate (Online)

In case of any clarification, contact the Facilitation Officer, National Institute of Public Administration, A 14-15-16, Paryavaran Complex, New Delhi – 110030, India by post or by Email : [email protected]

For any clarification, contact may be made through telephone by calling on 011-29533801, 011-29533830, 011-29535053.

24 hours helpline : 9999833886

All those interested in getting admitted to one of the Certificate level courses are here by advised to fill-up the Admission Form given below and send the same on the above mentioned address by email or by post along with payment of Rs. 3500 by cheque / draft / RTGS etc.

Admission Form


Programmes and Functions

The National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) has organised the following national and international level seminars, symposia, congresses and conventions :

1985 : Development Administration in India : Prospects and Constraints

1986 : Bureaucracy in India : New Challenges and Dimensions

1987 : Municipal Governance in India : Perspectives and Views

1988 : Management of Political Institutions : Visions of 2001

1989 : Public Policy Planning and Development : The South Asian Perspective

1990 : Budgeting Practices in the Central and the State Governments

1991 : Welfare Economics : Assessments and Needs

1992 : NGOs, Advocacy and Leadership in India

1993 : Future of Voluntary Action

1994 : Development and Social Change

1995 : Sustainable Development of South Asia

1996 : Safety and Reliability Engineering

1997 : Good Governance and Management in India

1998 : Policing in India : Need for Attitudinal and Behavioural Change

1999 : Entrepreneurial Development in India

2000 : Fund Raising for NGOs

2001 : Globalisation and the World Economy

2002 : Arbitration, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

2003 : Government Accountability and Public Audit

2004 : Negotiations in Business and Government

2005 : Organisational and Interpersonal Conflicts

2006 : Dalitisation and Politics

2007 : Social Triology of Tribal India

2008 : Women and Politics : The Indian Scenario

2009 : Gender, Population and Rural Development

2010 : Changing Dimensions of Social Work

2011 : Disaster Management : Challenges and Dimensions

2012 : Nuptiality and Fertility

2013 : India’s Role in Global Warming Reduction

2014 : Green Business Development : Possibilities and Perspectives

Organisations, Institutions, Universities and Governments interested in collaborating with NIPA for organising Conferences / Congresses / Seminars etc. may contact :

The Chairman
National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA)
A 15, Paryavaran Complex
New Delhi – 110030

Tel. : +91-11-29533801, +91-11-29533830

24 hours helpline : 9999833886

Email : [email protected]
Website :   




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